Pizza Blog

Serving up lovingly crafted from scratch Pizza, Pasta, Sandwiches, Salads and much more, made to order and delivered fast to our North Side neighbors for lunch, dinner and late night.

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Our Menu

Legendary Deep Dish Chicago-style deep dish pizza is the heartiest of the pizza varieties and typically eaten with a knife and fork. The dough is patted out by hand and raised up high on the sides of a seasoned deep dish pizza pan. True Chicago-style pizza crust is actually rather thin but sturdy enough to... continue reading

Bistro Laurel & Hardy
Les petits plats

Commandez en ligne dès maintenant 1 LITRE DE SAUCE À SPAGHETTI MAISON Bœuf, tomate et basilic 7.00 $ Ajouter au panierOrder Now 1- MAC & CHEESE A LA CHAIR DE SAUCISSE ITALIENNE ET CHAMPIGNONS FRITS!!!! Une nouvelle recette rafraîchissante et tellement bonne!!! Une belle idée pour pimper notre max and cheese !! Ça va... continue reading
